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Level 17, The Bousteador No.10, Jalan PJU 7/6, Mutiara Damansara 47800 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

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EasyUni Sdn Bhd

Level 17, The Bousteador No.10, Jalan PJU 7/6, Mutiara Damansara 47800 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

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BSc (Hons) in Dietetics with Nutrition


Dietetics is the practical application of nutrition in promoting health and well-being. Since 2008, IMU has been at the forefront of exploring the critical role of nutrition in disease prevention and treatment while advancing knowledge to improve public health in Malaysia. With an adaptable and inclusive learning environment, IMU enables students to engage deeply with complex subjects through technology-enhanced learning tools, ensuring a seamless and enriching educational experience.

The lecturers in IMU’s Division of Nutrition and Dietetics are distinguished experts, having received research grants, contributed to high-impact publications, and established themselves as key opinion leaders in the field. As IMU offers the most extensive range of healthcare programmes in Malaysia, dietetics students are immersed in a diverse community of healthcare professionals, fostering valuable interdisciplinary connections. These relationships form the foundation of a strong professional network that benefits graduates throughout their careers.

IMU’s innovative curriculum provides early exposure to real-world work experiences, integrating hands-on learning through clinical and community-based projects. Additionally, students have the opportunity to participate in mobility programmes across clinical and community settings, further enhancing their practical skills and professional readiness for a career in dietetics.

Key facts

Qualification Sarjana (S1)
Study mode Full-time
Durasi 4 years
Intakes Juli, September
Tuition (Local students) Rp 765.567.176
Tuition (Foreign students) Rp 798.852.705


  • Ilmu Pangan dan Teknologi

  • Nutrisi dan Kesehatan


4 years

Tuition fees

Description Local students Foreign students
Tuition fee Rp 765.567.176 Rp 798.852.705
Miscellaneous fees Rp 7.396.784 Rp 21.820.513
Total estimated cost of attendance Rp 772.963.960 Rp 820.673.219
Estimated cost per year Rp 193.240.990 Rp 205.168.304

Miscellanous fees explained

Local students

Description Amount
Application Fee Rp 554.758-Rp 1.109.517
Registration Fee Rp 1.109.517-Rp 4.807.909
Caution Deposit (refundable) Rp 3.698.392-Rp 11.095.176

Foreign students

Description Amount
Application Fee Rp 1.849.196-Rp 3.513.472
Registration Fee Rp 3.698.392-Rp 12.574.533
Caution Deposit (refundable) Rp 3.698.392-Rp 11.095.176

Estimated cost as reported by the institution. There may be additional administrative fees. Please contact for the latest information.

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Entry Requirements

Persyaratan masuk Mahasiswa:

  • Pelamar/ Calon mahasiswa harus memiliki catatan akademik nilai ujian yang tinggi, diploma, foundation atau setara, dalam mata pelajaran terkait dan dalam pemenuhan patokan IMU.

Persyaratan Bahasa:

  • Nilai keseluruhan IELTS band 5.5
  • Mahasiswa yang memilih opsi luar negeri harus mencapai nilai IELTS band secara keseluruhan 7.0
  • Semua mahasiswa yang terdaftar diwajibkan untuk mengambil tes diagnostik bahasa dari IMU.


Semester 1

  • Kimia Umum
  • Psikologi Manusia
  • Kimia Organik
  • Profesionalisme dalam Nutrisi dan Diet.
  • Prinsip Nutrisi manusia
  • statistik untuk Profesional Kesehatan
  • Studi Islam/ Moral
  • Bahasa Inggris

Semester 2

  • Usia Nutrisi
  • DasarKomunikasi 
  • Prinsip-Prinsip Akuntansi Keuangan
  • DasarBiokimia 
  • Makanan, Budaya, & Nutrisi
  • IT untuk Layanan Kesehatan
  • Pengajian Malaysia
  • Bahasa Kebangsaan A/B

Semester 3

  • Pengantar Psikologi
  • Prinsip-Prinsip persiapan Makanan
  • Metode Penelitian Nutrisi
  • Nutrisi & Metabolisme
  • Patologi dan Manajemen klinis Penyakit
  • Mikrobiologi

Semester 4

  • Dasar Epidemiologi
  • Biokimia klinis
  • Gizi Masyarakat
  • Manajemen Layanan Pangan 1
  • Dasar Farmasi
  • Olahraga dan Ilmu latihan
  • Imunologi Gizi
  • Analisa Gizi Dalam Makanan
  • Memahami Pasien/ Nutrisi Novelty

Semester 5

  • Manajemen layanPangan 2
  • Konseling Nutrisi dan Pendidikan
  • Terapi Nutrisi medis
  • Proyek Penelitian Nutrisi & Diet 1
  • ManajemenPerusahaan
  • Isu Lingkungan dan Nutrisi

Semester 6

  • Keamanan Pangan dan Peraturan
  • Nutrisi dalam Promosi Kesehatan
  • Laboratorium Terapi Nutrisi Medis
  • Proyek Penelitian Nutrisi & Diet II
  • nutrisi dalam Latihan dalam Olahraga
  • Seminar: Maslah Nutrisi dan Diet saat ini.
  • Perlengkapan Pengobatan/ Kontroversi Nutrisi

Semeste 7 & 8

  • Practikum Diet klinis
  • Praktikum Gizi Masyarakat
  • Praktikum Layanan Pangan