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Level 17, The Bousteador No.10, Jalan PJU 7/6, Mutiara Damansara 47800 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

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EasyUni Sdn Bhd

Level 17, The Bousteador No.10, Jalan PJU 7/6, Mutiara Damansara 47800 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

(43) Google reviews

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ALFA University College


73 Undergraduate programs
31 Postgraduate programs


Institution type Private
Year established Data not available
Campus setting Urban
Student population Small (1,000 or less)
foreign students 10%
Nationalities Data not available

About ALFA University College

Sejak berdirinya pada tahun 1998, ALFA International College diakui sebagai salah satu perguruan tinggi swasta terbaik di Malaysia. ALFA terkenal di negeri ini untuk mata kuliah nya di Arsitektur, Arsitektur Interior, Desain Grafis dan Desain Multimedia. Sementara tetap setia kepada asal-usulnya sebagai akademi desain, Perguruan tinggi memperluas penawaran diploma nya untuk menyertakan Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini pada tahun 2010. Program yang ditawarkan di ALFA diakui secara internasional dan ALFA memiliki lulusan yang disiapkan dengan sukses untuk mengejar tujuan karir mereka dan melengkapi studi lanjutan pada berbagai universitas di seluruh dunia. Mahasiswa ALFA yang dipersiapkan untuk menjadi sangat terampil dan dicari profesional.

Ciri kurikulum ALFA adalah program 'Lampiran Industri' yang berlangsung selama tahun terakhir studi mahasiswa. Program ini menawarkan mahasiswa pengalaman kerja praktis dan paparan tuntutan industri saat ini dan peluang. ALFA juga menyediakan keunikan, lingkungan belajar yang erat untuk mahasiswanya. Sementara rasio mahasiswa-dosen di kelas tetap rendah, mahasiswa dapat bekerja sama dengan dosen sambil menikmati perhatian pribadi dan pembinaan. Pengalaman dan keahlian adalah dua ciri yang melambangkan staf akademik ALFA yang berdedikasi. Dosen ALFA tidak hanya memberikan pengetahuan. Mereka menyampaikan pengalaman yang relevan, industri dunia nyata.

ALFA Colleges telah bermitra dengan beberapa universitas bergengsi di UK, Australia dan Selandia Baru di mana mahasiswa dapat melanjutkan studi lebih lanjut. Kredit dan transkrip dapat dialihkan, dan penerimaan adalah proses langsung. Dengan cara ini mahasiswa internasional dapat memperoleh gelar yang diakui secara internasional dengan biaya lebih rendah. ALFA International College menyediakan lingkungan untuk mahasiswa dari semua budaya, etnis dan latar belakang untuk mewujudkan potensi kreatif mereka.



Admissions Statistics
IELTS Data not available
TOEFL Data not available

For admission requirements and intakes for each individual course/programme please refer to course details.

Or, contact us for more information

ALFA University College courses and fees 104

ALFA University College offers Pre-university, Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses and programs. The list of courses and their fees are listed below.

Akuntansi dan Keuangan fees

Diploma in Accountancy

30 months

From Rp 86.520.539

Diploma in Accountancy (ODL)

30 months

From Rp 102.743.140

Diploma in Accountancy (ODL)

30 months

From Rp 102.743.140

Diploma in Accountancy (ODL)

30 months

From Rp 102.743.140

Diploma in Business Administration

30 months

From Rp 86.520.539

Arsitektur, Bangunan fees

Diploma in Architecture

30 months

From Rp 151.666.900

Diploma in Graphic Design

30 months

From Rp 120.854.773

Diploma in Interior Architecture

30 months

From Rp 151.666.900

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Industrial Design

3 years

From Rp 212.696.325

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Industrial Design

3 years

From Rp 212.696.325

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Industrial Design

3 years

From Rp 212.696.325

Bisnis dan Manajemen fees

Foundation in Business

1 year

From Rp 49.388.807

Foundation in Business

1 year

From Rp 49.388.807

Foundation in Business

1 year

From Rp 49.388.807

Diploma in E-Business

30 months

From Rp 113.558.207

Diploma in E-Business

30 months

From Rp 113.558.207

Diploma in E-Business

30 months

From Rp 113.558.207

Diploma in Retails Management (WBL)

30 months

From Rp 113.558.207

Diploma in Retails Management (WBL)

30 months

From Rp 113.558.207

Diploma in Retails Management (WBL)

30 months

From Rp 113.558.207

Diploma in Tourism Management

30 months

From Rp 126.175.786

Diploma in Tourism Management

30 months

From Rp 126.175.786

Diploma in Tourism Management

30 months

From Rp 126.175.786

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business Administration (BBA)

3 years

From Rp 138.793.365

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business Administration (BBA)

3 years

From Rp 138.793.365

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business Administration (BBA)

3 years

From Rp 138.793.365

Bachelor of E-Business (Honours))

3 years

From Rp 138.793.365

Bachelor of E-Business (Honours))

3 years

From Rp 138.793.365

Bachelor of E-Business (Honours))

3 years

From Rp 138.793.365

Bachelor of Human Resource Management (Honours)

3 years

From Rp 138.793.365

Bachelor of Human Resource Management (Honours)

3 years

From Rp 138.793.365

Bachelor of Human Resource Management (Honours)

3 years

From Rp 138.793.365

Master of Business Administration

15 months

From Rp 95.533.095

Master of Business Administration

15 months

From Rp 95.533.095

Master of Business Administration

15 months

From Rp 95.533.095

Master of Business Administration (International Business)

15 months

From Rp 95.533.095

Master of Business Administration (International Business)

15 months

From Rp 95.533.095

Master of Business Administration (International Business)

15 months

From Rp 95.533.095

Master of Business Administration (ODL)

15 months

From Rp 90.125.561

Master of Business Administration (ODL)

15 months

From Rp 90.125.561

Master of Business Administration (ODL)

15 months

From Rp 90.125.561

Master of Project Management

15 months

From Rp 95.533.095

Master of Science in Management (By Research)

3 years

From Rp 129.780.808

Master of Science in Management (By Research)

3 years

From Rp 129.780.808

Master of Science in Management (By Research)

3 years

From Rp 129.780.808

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Management

3 years

From Rp 135.188.342

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Management

3 years

From Rp 135.188.342

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Management

3 years

From Rp 135.188.342

Hukum fees

Diploma in Law Enforcement Management

30 months

From Rp 113.558.207

Diploma in Law Enforcement Management

30 months

From Rp 113.558.207

Diploma in Law Enforcement Management

30 months

From Rp 113.558.207

Ilmu humaniora & Ilmu Sosial fees

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Social Science

3 years

From Rp 135.188.342

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Social Science

3 years

From Rp 135.188.342

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Social Science

3 years

From Rp 135.188.342

Ilmu Komputer, Informatika fees

Diploma in Information Technology

30 months

From Rp 113.558.207

Diploma in Information Technology

30 months

From Rp 113.558.207

Diploma in Information Technology

30 months

From Rp 113.558.207

Diploma in Multimedia Design

30 months

From Rp 130.015.135

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Multimedia Technology

3 years

From Rp 147.805.921

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Multimedia Technology

3 years

From Rp 147.805.921

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Multimedia Technology

3 years

From Rp 147.805.921

Bachelor of Information Techology (Honours)

3 years

From Rp 147.805.921

Bachelor of Information Techology (Honours)

3 years

From Rp 147.805.921

Bachelor of Information Techology (Honours)

3 years

From Rp 147.805.921

Master of Information Technology (MIT)

15 months

From Rp 106.348.162

Master of Information Technology (MIT)

15 months

From Rp 106.348.162

Master of Information Technology (MIT)

15 months

From Rp 106.348.162

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Information Technology

3 years

From Rp 135.188.342

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Information Technology

3 years

From Rp 135.188.342

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Information Technology

3 years

From Rp 135.188.342

Pendidikan dan Pengajaran fees

Diploma in Early Childhood Education

30 months

From Rp 86.520.539

Diploma in Early Childhood Education (ODL)

30 months

From Rp 102.743.140

Diploma in Early Childhood Education (ODL)

30 months

From Rp 102.743.140

Diploma in Early Childhood Education (ODL)

30 months

From Rp 102.743.140

Diploma in Teaching of English As a Second Language (TESL)

30 months

Diploma in Teaching of English As a Second Language (TESL)

30 months

Diploma in Teaching of English As a Second Language (TESL)

30 months

Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (Honours)

3 years

Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (Honours)

3 years

Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (Honours)

3 years

Master of Early Childhood Education (By Research)

3 years

From Rp 131.583.320

Master of Early Childhood Education (By Research)

3 years

From Rp 131.583.320

Master of Early Childhood Education (By Research)

3 years

From Rp 131.583.320

Master of Education in TESL (By Research)

3 years

From Rp 131.583.320

Master of Education in TESL (By Research)

3 years

From Rp 131.583.320

Master of Education in TESL (By Research)

3 years

From Rp 131.583.320

Perhotelan fees

Diploma in Culinary Arts

30 months

From Rp 127.978.297

Diploma in Culinary Arts

30 months

From Rp 127.978.297

Diploma in Culinary Arts

30 months

From Rp 127.978.297

Diploma in Event Management

30 months

From Rp 113.558.207

Diploma in Event Management

30 months

From Rp 113.558.207

Diploma in Event Management

30 months

From Rp 113.558.207

Diploma in Hotel Management (WBL)

30 months

From Rp 129.780.808

Diploma in Hotel Management (WBL)

30 months

From Rp 129.780.808

Diploma in Hotel Management (WBL)

30 months

From Rp 129.780.808

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Hospitality Management

3 years

From Rp 153.213.455

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Hospitality Management

3 years

From Rp 153.213.455

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Hospitality Management

3 years

From Rp 153.213.455

Seni Rupa Kreatif & Desain fees

Foundation in Art and Design

1 year

From Rp 49.388.807

Foundation in Art and Design

1 year

From Rp 49.388.807

Foundation in Art and Design

1 year

From Rp 49.388.807

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Graphic Design

3 years

From Rp 147.805.921

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Graphic Design

3 years

From Rp 147.805.921

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Graphic Design

3 years

From Rp 147.805.921

Tuition and application fees

Data not available

Estimated tuition fees as reported by the institution.

Tuition and Application Statistics
Application fee (local students) Data not available
Application fee (foreign students) Data not available
Student visa fee (foreign students) Data not available

Living cost

Data not available

Average living cost in Malaysia

The amount is indicated taking into account the average cost of food, accommodation, etc in Malaysia for 2024

Costs Statistics
Food Data not available
Accommodation Data not available
Others Data not available


Akomodasi mahasiswa ALFA disediakan terutama untuk mahasiswa yang baru terdaftar yang membutuhkan akomodasi segera sebelum dimulainya studi mereka di ALFA. Pendaftaran untuk akomodasi mahasiswa pada pertama datang pertama dilayani. Untuk mahasiswa baru, deposito 2 bulan, sewa 1 bulan dan akses kartu deposit harus dibayarkan pada saat pendaftaran. Info akomodasi berikutnya yang harus diselesaikan segera sebelum tanggal 7 setiap bulan.

Fas: Internet Gratis, mesin cuci, Oven Microwave, pengering, pemanas air, AC, dan tempat tidur dengan kasur, meja belajar dan kursi, lemari pakaian secara berbagi, Penyaring air dan pelayan kebersihan untuk area umum. Konsumsi listrik bersubsidi hingga RM45.00 per mahasiswa. Konsumsi lebih dari batas yang telah ditetapkan ini akan ditanggung setara dengan mahasiswa di setiap kamar selama sebulan. Penggunaan listrik berlebih akan dipotong dari deposit/jaminan sewa dan mahasiswa harus mengisi ulang deposit setelah deposit dikurangi menjadi satu bulan.

Mahasiswa Lokal (Hotel Prima)

Kamar Berbagi/bersama (AC)

  • Harga Asrama / Hostel (per orang)
    • ​400 untuk berbagi bertiga
    • 450 untuk berbagi berdua
  • Deposit/jaminan (untuk mahasiswa baru)
    • ​2 bulan: RM800.00-RM900.00
    • 1 bulan uang muka sewa
    • Kartu akses: RM50.00
    • Total Pembayaran: RM1250.00-RM1400.00
  • Minimal tinggal
    • ​Minimal harus tinggal untuk dua semester jika gagal jaminan sewa akan hangus


​Kamar Tunggal (AC)

​Harga Asrama / Hostel (per orang)

  • ​RM650.00

​​Deposit/jaminan (untuk mahasiswa baru)

  • ​2 bulan: RM1300.00
  • 8 bulan sewa: RM5200.00
  • Kartu Akses: RM50.00
  • Total Pembayaran: RM6550.00

Minimal tinggal

  • ​Dua semester jika gagal jaminan sewa akan hangus


Mahasiswa Internasional (Hotel Prima)
Kamar Berbagi (AC)

​Harga Asrama / Hostel (per orang)

  • ​400 untuk berbagi bertiga
  • 450 untuk berbagi berdua

Deposit/jaminan (untuk mahasiswa baru)

  • ​2 bulan: RM800.00 - RM900.00
  • 8 bulan sewa: RM3200.00 - RM3600.00
  • Kartu akses: RM50.00
  • Total Pembayaran: RM4050.00 - RM4550.00

Minimal tinggal

  • ​Dua semester jika gagal jaminan sewa akan hangus.


Kamar Tunggal (AC)

Harga Asrama/ ​Hostel (per orang)

  • ​RM650.00

​Deposit/jaminan (untuk mahasiswa baru)

  • ​2 bulan: RM1300.00
  • 1 bulan uang muka sewa
  • Kartu Akses: RM50.00
  • Total Pembayaran: RM2000.00

Minimal tinggal

  • ​Dua semester jika gagal jaminan sewa akan hangus



Berada di ALFA College, tidak akan ada hari-hari biasa untuk mahasiswa seolah setiap hari, mahasiswa dan dosen dapat dilihat tenggelam dalam berbagai proyek desain dan kegiatan di seluruh fasilitas kampus. Di antara fasilitas kampus adalah:

  • Studio Seni
  • Studio Fotografi
  • Ruang Kuliah
  • Lab Komputer
  • Perpustakaan
  • Galeri
  • Ruang Mahasiswa
  • Wifi Gratis
  • Ruang Konseling
  • Ruang Pengajar
  • Keamanan Kampus
  • Surau
  • Mesin Penjual Otomatis

ALFA International College terletak di Subang Square, Jalan SS15 / 4G - Subang Jaya dan di pusat pendidikan Subang Jaya. Karena itu, ALFA College mudah diakses oleh mahasiswa melalui transportasi umum. Sime Darby Medical Centre dapat dijadikan sebagai tolak ukur dalam dapat kesana.

  • KTM (Commuter) - Mahasiswa dapat mengambil komuter KTM dan turun di Stasiun Subang Jaya. Dari sana, ALFA College adalah hanya 15 menit berjalan kaki.
  • Bus Rapid KL - Bus nomor U62, U76 dan T523 akan dapat membawa Anda ke ALFA College.

Student population

Small (1,000 or less)

Total population

Student Statistics
Undergraduate students Data not available
Postgraduate students Data not available
foreign students Data not available



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