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EasyUni Sdn Bhd

Level 17, The Bousteador No.10, Jalan PJU 7/6, Mutiara Damansara 47800 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

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Mid Cheshire College Cover Photo

Mid Cheshire College

United Kingdom

9 Undergraduate programs
0 Postgraduate programs


Institution type Private
Year established Data not available
Campus setting Data not available
Student population Data not available
foreign students Data not available
Nationalities Data not available

About Mid Cheshire College

Mid Cheshire College adalah sebuah perguruan tinggi pendidikan lanjutan, memiliki dua situs yang terletak di Hartford dan Winsford. Perguruan tinggi itu dinilai sebagai Outstanding (Grade 1) di semua area dalam inspeksi Ofsted nya 2008 lalu.

Mid Cheshire College menawarkan berbagai mata kuliah akademik dan kejuruan, termasuk BTEC, NVQ, dan gelar fondasi. Gelar fondasi diakreditasi oleh Manchester Metropolitan University dan University of Chester. Ini juga menawarkan mata kuliah dewasa, kembali-ke pekerjaan dan kursus belajar, dan Akses ke Diploma Pendidikan Tinggi.



Admissions Statistics
IELTS Data not available
TOEFL Data not available

For admission requirements and intakes for each individual course/programme please refer to course details.

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Mid Cheshire College courses and fees 10

Mid Cheshire College offers Pre-university and Undergraduate courses and programs. The list of courses and their fees are listed below.

Bisnis dan Manajemen fees

Travel and Tourism Management

2 years

HND - Business and Management

2 years

Ilmu Komputer, Informatika fees

HND - Computing and Systems Development

2 years

Ilmu Olah Raga fees

HND - Sport

2 years

Seni Rupa Kreatif & Desain fees

Contemporary Photography

2 years

HND - Fine Arts

2 years

HND - Games Design and Digital Media

2 years

HND - Music/Music Production

2 years

HND - Performing Arts

2 years

Teknik fees

HNC - Engineering

2 years

Tuition and application fees

Data not available

Estimated tuition fees as reported by the institution.

Tuition and Application Statistics
Application fee (local students) Data not available
Application fee (foreign students) Data not available
Student visa fee (foreign students) Data not available

Living cost

Data not available

Average living cost in United Kingdom

The amount is indicated taking into account the average cost of food, accommodation, etc in United Kingdom for 2024

Costs Statistics
Food Data not available
Accommodation Data not available
Others Data not available


Mid Cheshire College memiliki dua situs yang terletak di Hartford dan Winsford. Kampus Hartford adalah situs utama perguruan tinggi, merumahkan mata kuliah Seni & Desain, Bisnis, Konstruksi, Teknik, Fashion, ICT, Kendaraan Bermotor, Seni Pertunjukan, Fotografi, dan Wisata & Pariwisata; sedangkan kampus Winsford adalah rumah bagi pembelajaran orang dewasa, perawatan anak, kesehatan dan sosial, dan mata kuliah layanan berseragam publik. Masing-masing kampus memiliki perpustakaan sendiri, didukung oleh fasilitas IT yang sangat baik. Gedung Olahraga dilengkapi dengan fasilitas olahraga yang luas seperti suite kebugaran dan lapangan. Ada Salon Rambut dan Kecantikan di setiap kampus.

Northwich hanya 2 mil jauhnya dari Hartford, kota ini menawarkan berbagai fasilitas restoran, toko-toko, supermarket dan olahraga.

Student population

Data not available

Total population

Student Statistics
Undergraduate students Data not available
Postgraduate students Data not available
foreign students Data not available



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